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How Debt Settlement Works
Debt Reduced
Saves Money
Back on Track
Helping You Reach Your Debt Free Dreams
Find Financial Freedom and Stop Being Enslaved by Debt
You can rise above your circumstances and succeed if you are dedicated and passionate about it. Gain control over your debt or the lack of money will forever control you. We work to help you become debt free so you can gain control over your money and lack of it won’t lead you to poverty and unhappiness.
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Debt Settlement
Debt Consolidation
Debt Management
Credit Counseling
Failure to Repay an Unsecured Loan
Unlike a secured loan, where the collateral is stipulated, an unsecured debt is risky and problematic to the lender because there’s no collateral attached to it.
The consequences of failing to repay an unsecured debt can range from frequent calls from collection agencies to lawsuits. The nation’s 3 credit report reporting agencies receive a report from the lender of a defaulted or delinquent loan notifying them that the borrower is delinquent, which in turn will severely lower the borrower’s credit-worthiness quotient, known as the FICO score. It is more difficult to obtain credit with a low FICO score and borrowing any possible credit becomes costlier.
With the concern that a poor credit history reflects a lack of character, employers also use credit scores in hiring decisions as well. It can take as long as seven years for the failure to repay a debt to disappear from a credit report.
Debt Consolidation vs. Debt Settlement
Negotiate Debt Balance
Credit Card Debt Settlement
Student Loan Debt
What Type of Debts Can be Settled?
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