Debt Resolution
The Franklin Legal Group shows you the Debt Resolution process so you know the right debt relief option that best suits you to guide you to financial freedom.
A Debt Resolution Program
Since you’re having difficulties gathering the full amount of money for the payments to your creditors, in the interim you have no choice but to save the money that you do have by making deposits for a number of months in a dedicated account that you open up for this special purpose with the guidance of your debt resolution company; these deposits are for you to accumulate enough money in this dedicated account to fund any settlement your debt resolution company negotiates with your creditors with your approval in the near future. You are in full control of this dedicated account at all times and the monthly deposits you make into it generally are of a lesser, more comfortable amount than what you were paying to your creditors every month; because they are of a lesser amount is why you’re depositing this money in the dedicated account instead of making the payments to your creditors. This also helps you in the negotiations with your creditors, because it shows the hardships you’re having in coming up with the full amount of the payments
Once your creditor sees that your accounts have gone into default due to your hardship, it is then that they are open to agree to settle your debt.
Your debt resolution company’s goal is to get your creditors to settle your debt in full for an amount that is smaller, thus saving you time and money. Once there’s enough money in your dedicated account to negotiate the settlement of a debt, your settlement company settles it with your prior approval and the process continues and repeats itself.
Franklin Legal Group only gets its fee after each settlement is performed. Once you enroll in the program you can forward any collection or harassment calls to us so we can assist you with them.
This is the only way, when and how your debt resolution company ever receives a fee from you, for it is performance-based without any upfront costs.
The Process of Debt Resolution
The main objective of a debt resolution program is to negotiate with your creditor(s) to completely wipe out your debt for a small portion of what you owe. Almost always, the creditors settle for a substantially lesser amount than actually owed and will even waive penalties in order to come to an agreement and settle for good, once and for all.
Most debtors don’t possess the negotiation skills, experience, or the expertise and emotional fortitude needed to negotiate with their creditors. Professional debt relief companies like the Franklin Legal Group work hard to help you reach favorable agreements with your creditors that are the most beneficial to you, and to see you through the entire process with the goal of settling your debts once and for all.
Working on your behalf, debt relief companies get your creditors to accept as full payment a lesser amount than you actually borrowed or owed. Interests and harassing calls are greatly reduced with your settlement company’s assistance.

Every time you have sufficient funds in your dedicated account, your debt resolution company negotiates the best possible settlement with your creditors and settles the best one most beneficial to you – again, all with your aprroval. This process repeats itself until you are completely free of all the unsecured debts enrolled in your debt resolution program. And the debt resolution company gets a modest fee every time they settle a debt for you. This is how the debt resolution process works. Your debt resolution company handles everything for you, representing you even during creditor and collection calls.
Please keep in mind that debt resolution only works with unsecured debt and certain loan types, such as personal loans and credit card debt. Debt resolution is not applicable to mortgages, student loans, or any type of secured debt. It is usually for credit card debt and similar debt.
The Steps in the Process of a Debt Resolution Program
One payment approach for final settlement of an enrolled debt involves a lump sum payment. You will need to have or save an amount that can sufficiently pay off a negotiated debt entirely. The second approach in this situation is a new term settlement that provides you with a new payment period with a lower monthly amount you can comfortably afford. This is done by opening a dedicated account of yours in which to deposit that lower monthly payment to accumulate the funds needed to settle the debts in your program, each generally settled one at a time.
When you have been able to lay down all your plans, you will have to accumulate an agreed-upon amount to fund the settlement amount that will be suggested or offered to your creditor. This is like haggling in a department store. The monthly amount you deposit into your dedicated account is based on your debt balance, your income and means, your basic necessity expenses, and what you can afford.

As you are building up your balance amount, your debt relief company will get in touch with your creditor(s) to negotiate on your behalf. They will inform them of your hardship and convince them it is why you are unable to pay the full amount and will aim at convincing them to agree to accept less money as full payment to wipe out the debt instead of going through a bankruptcy or the like.
This negotiation with your creditor generally takes place around 90 to 180 days after you have stopped paying them any money and have instead been making monthly deposits into your dedicated account. It is the ideal time for negotiations because, by then, your creditor(s) should have “charged off” your debt – meaning, they have taken a tax break by having written you off as a “bad debt” – which benefits your negotiation plans.
At times, a creditor will also want to conduct their own investigation based on what was presented to them, as they would want a detailed explanation of your hardship circumstances. This may include checking your payment behavior with your other creditors and investors, if any, to see if you’re completely keeping up with any of those other payments. Once your creditors realize and are convinced of your hardships and that there is no better option than to settle with you for the proposed amount, your debt relief company representing you will notify you and request your approval to negotiate with them. Your debt relief company sends you a written settlement offer for you to approve in writing so that the settlement can take place.
When everything is agreed upon and in order, the funds from your dedicated account you have been accumulating for this purpose will be used to settle that enrolled debt if sufficient funds are already available for it. This debt resolution process will be repeated one-by-one with each unsecured debt enrolled in your program until such time as you have completely paid off all of them and are debt-free, satisfied and in peace.
The only advantage you’ve had making the minimum payment is that your credit history remains positive. However, the huge disadvantage there is that you may spend eons paying the minimum payment only to end up paying a total of 300 to 400 percent (or perhaps much more even!) of what you initially borrowed. At this rate, you may soon not even be able to afford your minimum payments any longer, and never see an end in sight. Even if you pay back the amount of the loan borrowed, you will have to pay carried-over interest that has greatly accumulated.
Once Again, How Debt Resolution Works
The settlement company will negotiate with your creditors for a reduced lump-sum payment that’s less than the amount you owe. Before any negotiations can take place with your creditor, your debt resolution company makes sure you make monthly deposits into a dedicated account, so that you can save enough funds to settle your debt. This account is yours, opened and always fully controlled by you; it is where you’ll accumulate the funds that will ultimately be used as a lump sum payment to settle every unsecured debt enrolled in your debt resolution program, one debt at a time till you’re debt-free.
Every time you have sufficient funds in your dedicated account to settle an enrolled debt, your settlement company negotiates the most reduced settlement they can obtain for you from one of your creditors, and once they reach the most favorable agreement for you, your settlement company presents it to you for your written approval. As soon as you approve the settlement, your settlement company liquidates that debt for you with money from your dedicated account.
That’s when your settlement company starts receiving a modest fee from you for their services, as they receive a modest percentage of every settled amount as their fees from every debt they successfully settle for you. That debt will be settled in full and completely wiped out by your respective creditor, and your debt resolution company will have saved you money because it will have been done for a negotiated amount that is less than your original, actual debt amount. This process is repeated till you’re completely debt-free from all the unsecured debt enrolled in your Debt Resolution Program. Oh what a relief!
A successful debt resolution is one that empowers a debtor to forever disengage herself/himself completely from that debt without paying the full amount that was owed on it. Some creditors are easier to work with than others, so one must keep in mind that it is not always 100% certain that a debt resolution company will be able to convince every creditor to come to an agreement to settle the debt you have with them, but for the most part, they can and they will! A debt relief company like the Franklin Legal Group will always be in your corner, loyally fighting tooth and nail for what’s most favorable to you, looking after your best interests and saving you as much money as we possibly can, while also making you debt-free as soon as possible too. You’re gonna love us!